Carta de apresentação


Sentimo-nos bem com seu contacto.
Disertamos sobre as suas maravilhas.
Auscultamos pequenas portas do seu mistério
e chegamos a perder-nos com prazer
no remoínho do seu interior.
Apercebemo-nos das suas fragilidades e manipulações.
Da sua extrema leveza.
Do silêncio de sangue e da sua banalização.


in Rosa do Mundo

14 de janeiro de 2012

Luis Miguel Nava: Darkness

Darkness is beginning 
to dissolve our body,
like a bloody snow
falling from the sky

or like a stone that, falling
into a lake, opens it into
successive circles, some already
outside the water, right here in life.

in the midst of the landscape
brandishes a heater

while I, having just a handkerchief
for clothing,
cover my head with it to keep from dying.

Here everyone knows
that lakes start freezing at their edges
and man in his heart,

that light
rises from the void
and all we have left
is a discredited sun
in an indifferent sky,

darkness already wrapping
our bones, with death itself
seeming to serve as our skin,
like on a bat.

Luis Miguel Nava
(Portugal 1957-1995)

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