Carta de apresentação


Sentimo-nos bem com seu contacto.
Disertamos sobre as suas maravilhas.
Auscultamos pequenas portas do seu mistério
e chegamos a perder-nos com prazer
no remoínho do seu interior.
Apercebemo-nos das suas fragilidades e manipulações.
Da sua extrema leveza.
Do silêncio de sangue e da sua banalização.


in Rosa do Mundo

14 de janeiro de 2012

Women by Polly Clark

I sail into the world of women, 

in a magnificent ship that does not interest them.

I imagine this is what loving them is:
adding up the piecework of them,

the pale neck, the sudden crow’s feet,
the explosive lips saying of course of course.

I have learned their language, I can say
what do you think? like a native,

but they detect an accent in spite of me.
Their eyes rest on me over the wine.

Their secrets are palpable as money.
We trade, and I grow rich. I feel free.

We compare songs, the cuts on our wrists.
Sometimes I think I have found my home.

When I hold them, I hear their bones crying.
Their costly hair drifts and shines.

Polly Clark

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